I stumbled upon your website and thought it was great! I do however, have a problem
with all these printable coupons that I see so much of. Where I live, in the Central
Valley CA -- all the grocery stores will not accept printable coupons from the computer.
This of course makes it extremely difficult try to save money. I have tried EBay and
Craig's list to purchase regular coupons, but usually, the majority of coupons I get are
brands that my grocery stores do not carry. Any suggestions of how to get more
coupons to cut the grocery bill, without buying 500 newspapers each Sunday?
Thanks for your time.
- Karen
Hi Karen,
Thanks for shooting this over.
Ok, to address your question - How to find more coupons. . .
The first thing I wanted to say is that if you create a weekly menu based off of the sales at your local store, you will save money - regardless if you have coupons or not. Make a list of items you need and stick to it while shopping and you should see a huge dent in that ole' grocery bill.
If you want to find coupons in addition to those savings see if your local grocer offers a loyalty card that you can download coupons too. Grocers are moving away from the paper coupons to digital ones. You log in and choose the coupons you want to use and they will automatically download to your loyalty card.
As for finding them in your paper, you should only have to buy one (major city) Sunday paper. There are three possible publications that will be in your paper, Red Plum, Smart Source or P&G.
The key to coupons is keeping them and matching them with a store sale for maximum savings. You can do this through sites like the GroceryGame.com or just do it yourself through a filing system.
Like I said, it's shopping your store sales and making a list that will save you the most money. Coupons are just icing on the cake!
I hope that helps. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do!
If you have more ideas for Karen, please leave a comment below!
Send all your questions to [email protected]!