The air is getting warmer during the day. The sun is shining and the grass is turning green. Now I just have to wait until the nights are above 45 degrees and guess what - it's garden time!
I won't be able to plant outside in colorado until sometime in May. That doesn't mean I shouldn't start planning now!
Here are my tips from what I've learned (and how I failed) in the past!
Grow what you'll eat. Okay, this might sound like a no brainer, but if you aren't going to eat it, don't grow it just because you can. You could have used your resources for something else.
It won't look like the grocery store's produce. Some of your veggies might, but keep in mind the grocery store only stocks items with a cohesive look. I once grew brocolli. Let me tell you - it looked nothing like the full heads you find in the store. It tasted great in a salad though.
Plant above ground. One year I had my poor husband dig up a huge patch of dirt in the back yard. After a day of back breaking work, we still couldn't get anything to grow there besides the weeds that made thier home there before. Since then, I've used planters and just filled them up with soil. I'm finding used sandboxes this year to add more dimension and size to the garden.
Go in with friends. If you have friends who have a garden as well, form a co-op of sorts. If they grow zuchinni - then you don't. You grow squash instead then switch bounty with them.
Grow something - anything! Gardening is my zen time for me! I love going outside in the morning and watering the plants before anyone is up. There is nothing like helping my kids pick what we have grown and eating it that night with dinner. Grow fresh herbs in your kitchen or tomatoes on your porch! What an amazing feeling!
What about you. . .
Any garden tips to share?
What are you growing this season?